You can scan all your insurance forms and incoming mail and store them electronically. You can also store photos taken with digital cameras and attach them to a client’s policy file. You can instantly pull up all of a client’s documents or access documents by many other criteria. Key features of this powerful yet easy-to-use program include:
- Imports files of any type: PDF, Excel, Docs, digital photo
- Images & Photos Stored in Customer Folder for Easy Retrieval
- Batch Scan Supports Fast Scanners With up to 100 Page Document Feeders
- Scan: Batch mail; new policy
- Scan all carrier underwriting and promotional letters or email
- Supports multiple scanners scanning simultaneously.
- Send To: Insurance Company; Customers; General Agents
- Type: New Business applications; Change Requests; Renewals; Certificates; Binders; ACORD© forms; Company specific fillable forms;
- View all emails sent including ability to view all attachments; subject matter, and body of letter
- Setup all contact info: All Carriers; General Agents;
- Setup: All departments in all carriers; Contact person; email address; telephone # with extension; special notes
- Setup Subject matter: Create dropdown list of all reasons that will go into subject matter in your email